woensdag 11 januari 2012

I am tagged!

Ok, so I was tagged? I didn't know this tagging first, untill Janiek (from View I see) tagged me. It's basicly just a list with questions about you which you pass to another blog when you filled it in. So here are my answers!

1. Do you have a second name?
No, I don't have a second name. Both of my parents have like 5 different names but they didn't give me more names, weird? I actually would like a second name it's sounds so chique! Or when you have a 'fight' with someone you can scream all their names haha. But I am really happy with my name, Anouk.

2. What is your favorite subject in school? 
I study   Latin-sciences  (why you can read here) in school. So I have 4 hours Latin, 5 hours mathematics, 2 hours fysics, biologie, chemistry and geography. It's is really hard but Latin and mathematics are my favorite subjects, you will all think that I'm crazy now haha. Another subject I like is esthetics, you learn about the history of art and I just love art.

3. What is your favorite drink?
OMG this is difficult. Something new i drink a lot this time is Minute Maid multivitamines, I like it and it is also healty! I don't drink a lot of soda, I always drink water. Oh another drink I like is ice coffees! I actually posted about it: Mmmm Caffe Latte.

4. What is your favorite song?
I just love music and not just 1 style but a lot. So as you may already guessed I have a lot of favorite songs!

The artists I have been listening to lately: Adele, Birdy, Lana Del Rey, Ed Sheeran, Beyoncé, Coldplay, Rihanna, Bombay Bicycle Club, the XX, Amy Winehouse, Prince, the Beatles, Queen, Bruno Mars, Cher Lloyd, Jessie J,... Ok I'm gonna stop, but there is A LOT more!

5. How will you name your children?

Definatly not a name which you hear everywhere! Last month I had Sfinx in my head for a girl, something special. I really don't know how I will name my children. Buuut I'm going to buy a new hamster, it's a dwarfhamster so it is really small. I will call it Petit Amour (Little Love).

6.  Do you exercise? 

Yes, I play tennis since my 8, I practise a lot, but no competitions.

7. Favorite book?

I do read a lot and ofcourse as a girl I love chicklits (Cecily Von Ziegesar, Lauren Conrad,...), but I'm getting older and I begin to read more 'mature' books. The last book I read was The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and I just loved it!

8. Favorite colors?
I like black, red and blue. But I also like all the other colors.

9. Favorite animal?
I don't really have a favorite animal. I like all the 'baby animals' but once they grow up they scare me a bit haha.

10. Favorite Parfume?
Chanel °5, do I need to say more?

11. Favorite vacation?
I love every vacation? I mean can you choose between Indonesia, South-Africa, Mozambique, the Maldives,...

12. Have you graduated from high school? 
No, I'm in my fifth (out of the six years) year now. 1,5 year to go!

13. Have you ever been out the country? If so how often? 

Yes a lot, umh I think like 45 times?

14. Do you speak other languages?

Yes, I also speak English and French. You can even say I speak South-African because it's almost the same as Dutch.

15. How many brothers/sisters do you have?
I have 1 younger brother. He is 11 now so he is 5 years younger than me. The age difference is definatly difficult, but when we get older we will 'grow to eachother'.

16. What is your favorite store?
Yeah, like I love just one store! Forever 21, Zara, H&M, Topshop, ASOS, Mango,...

17. Favorite restaurant?
I really don't know! Just every good Italian, sushi restaurant.

18. Do you like school?

Yes, a lot of my friends are there and when I was younger I thought it wasn't important but your hole future depents on it!

19. Favorite YouTuber?

I don't have one.

20. Favorite movie?

Dear John, Remember Me, Love and other Drugs, the Last Song, the Switch, White Girls, Little man,... and a lot more but I can't remember right now. And ofcourse I like (almost) every Disney en Pixar film.21. Favorite TV show?
Gossip Girl, One tree hill, Teen Moms, The Bachelor, Next Top Model, Project runaway, Glee, Modern Family, Family Guy,the Big Bang Theory, Terra Nova, Jersey Shore, Desperate Houswives, Friends, Sex and the City,...

22. What kind of phone do you have? 

BlackBerry Curve.

(Ugly picture :s)

23. How tall are you?

1.70 m.

Ok, now I have to choose someone. I choose the blog Those Little Things, good luck!-XO

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